Master One Management Service-Record of Training Services



物業管理從業員應 認識及留意如何依照物業管理條例 344章 所述 的要求 準備收支帳戶()


Property Management Practitioners should learn and take notice of the requirements in the preparation of the Income and Expenditure Account. under Building Management Ordinance, Cap. 344


1 收支帳戶()要幾時展示给業主們?可否每月做一次及作用爲何? When should we show the Income & Expenditure Account? Should we prepare it monthly and for what purpose ?

2 收支帳戶的內容  Contents of the Income and Expenditure Account

3 收支帳戶(Income and Expenditure account)與 现金收入支出紀錄表( Receipts and Payments Account )有什麼分別? 要留意那些的項目

  What is the difference between the Income and Expenditure Account and the Receip s and Payments Account ?  What items we are required to note.

4 資產負債表 (balance sheet)如何 處理 及有何用處? How do we prepare the Balance Sheet ? and its usefulness ?


講座小時: (Duration of talk) : One and half hours (1.5 小時.)

講座形式(Mode of Talk) :7 p 人小組


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選擇(近期消息公報)select (Recent Company News Release)





Advisory Service on Income & Expenditure Account for property management


物業管理從業員應 認識及留意如何 依照物業管理條例 344章 所述 的要求 準備的收支帳戶(income and expenditure account)


Property management practitioners should know and take notice of the requirements stipulated under Building Management Ordinance S344 about the preparation of the income and expenditure account.


小時:   1. hrour. 

(duration of talk)

有關服務收費 service fee


請瀏覽以下 please refer to the following website


7項管理服務( 商業 /物業)

Item 7 Management services( business/ property)




保安人員工作重溫講座 Revision Talks on Work performed by security staff

目的 Objectives:

提供物業管理公司或大厦組織前線物業及保安人員在職培訓。To provide in-service training for property and security management staff of  property  and building management  organizations

可選擇項目 Items to be selected

1. 操守及行為working rules & behavior

2. 法律責任及有關法例Relevant regulations & ordinances

3. 防止賄賂條例 基礎重點Prevention of corruption & bribery

4. 防火須知及應變程序 Prevention of fire & procedures

5. 寫報告及紀錄 要注意 的地方Points to note in preparation of reports & records

6. 應付緊急事故 的分享 Share of experience in handling emergent events

7. 客戶關係及待客之道 Building up good customers relation & services


講座時数  duration of Talk:  : 1.5小時

費用  Fee:  每小時    :  $1500 per hour (negotiable)

人数No. of attendees: below:10

聯络 Contact:



Training is provided by qualified teachers holding SITO teaching certificate or professional property management qualification


是由合格之英國西圖保安教師-SITO trainer(BJT)或專業物業管理從業人員提供

(Available for appointment by property and security management companies in Hong Kong for staff training)



大廈收入對帳報告及相關項目的處埋 Revenue Reconciliation Report  and treatment of related items


1. 如何匯報大廈 主要收入 how to report main sources of building revenue ?


a 大廈 收入對帳報告 Revenue reconciliation report  


b 大廈收入 比率 及分析 building Revenue ratios and analysis


2. 如何準備大廈收入對帳報告 how to prepare Revenue reconciliation report for building management


3. 大廈收入對帳報告的項目 items in Revenue reconciliation


4. 如何紀錄預繳付和未繳付 的大廈收入 how to record prepayment and accruals of building revenue  


5. 如何處理 業主欠交管理費 how to deal with management fees in arrear


培訓對象Target of trainees:

物業管理會計員或管業從業員之培訓  training for property management/accounting practitioners


此乃2小時之培訓/講座。 This training course is  a 2 hours'  training. 


每位 $?  each one(看網址see website)


形式 Mode of Training

小組形式進行,學員少於7人。Training  group less than 7 members   

報名 方法Registration:


請先參閱網址 Please refer to website 

内之(商業培訓Training) item 1D 項。





 收入及支出會計入帳課程 incomings and outgoings accounting

(助理會計員入行前培訓 Pre-job training for assistant accounting officer)


Part One


此乃五堂,每堂1.5小時之培訓。  教導處理公司或機構之收入(Incomings)及開支(outgoings) 的入帳方法。




This training course consists of five meetings of which each meeting is a 1.5 hours of training. . Training will focus on the methods in recording items of daily income and expenditure of a company or an organization.   


After the training, students are able to perform the duties of an assistant accounting officer in respect of recording income and expenditure..



形式 Mode of Training


(i)小組形式進行,學員少於7人。Training  group less than 7 members                                               


助理/會計員 &物業管理公司文員/管業從業人員 Assistant /Accounting Officer, property management clerks/practitioners


報名 方法Registration:

請先參閱網址 Please refer to website 内之(商業培訓Training) item 1C 項。





Vouching Services for accounting record in building( property) management sector 



對象 Target Audience:




 Members of building management committees or owners’committees and owners/residents of buildings who are interested in building finance.


(講座時Hours of seminar :2



Vouching is a technical term, which refers to the inspection of documentary evidence supporting and substantiating a transaction, by an auditor. It is the essence of auditing.  It is the practice followed in an audit,


 有關該等服務提供者、請看以下連結 Please find details from the following services provider;

 : 歡迎與任何機構合作開班。 Welcome  any organization to run the workshop jointly with this company





香港 / 澳門大廈財務培訓工作坊 (I)

Workshop on Building Management Finance for Hong Kong / Macau (I)


對象 Target Audience:



Members of building management committees or owners’committees and owners/residents of buildings who are interested in building finance.


目的 Objectives




To raise the knowledge and ability of members of building management committees / owners’ committees or owners/residents of buildings and reduce their mis-understanding and points of doubt in the accounts. 




 After their participation in this workshop, the attendees will have a clear understanding about building finance and will be able to apply their skills from learning to their work and raise their standard in the property financial work..


簡述內容 Brief Content:


簿記基礎理論和相關財政概念、非牟利機構會計操作技巧,會計實務等,大厦財政預算,認識財務管理上相關之比率及其訊息和作用。例如流動資金比率 ,大廈管理費收入之比率,欠費比率、支出比率。如何閱讀大厦管理上的財務報表等。

Basic concepts of book-keeping (accounting) and finance, accounting procedures and skills for non-profit-making organizations (property management), accounting practice etc, budgeting(annual/ad hoc) in property finance, accounting ratios and their interpretation in property finance, such as working capital ratio, management fee collection ratio, fees in arrear ratio and expenses ratios etc. , how to study the information in the financial report and statements


(課時共Hours of workshop 20小時)


講者 Speaker


一名有樓宇管理經驗之資深會計師,亦是「英國特許房屋經理學會」會員,FAIA, FFA, Certified Risk Planner, CIHM 或同等資歷將會被安排任教。 


A speaker being a registered accountant and member of the Chartered Institute of Housing with rich experience in property management or equivalent will be assigned to deliver the talk in this workshop.




日期Date  & Time : 待定 pending             費用 Fee:  待定 pending


: 歡迎與任何機構合作開班。 

Welcome  any organization to run the workshop jointly with this company

( MOMD有限公司協辦 )

Contact Secretary at Email:


危機管理與大厦管理審核Risk Management and Building Management Audit


1. 危機概念Concept of Risk

2. 危機管理原因Reasons for risk management

3. 危機管理流程Logistics of risk management

4. 危機分辨Risk identification

5. 危機處理Risk treatment


1. 何謂大厦管理審核What is the meaning of building management audit?

2. 為何要大厦管理審核Why do we need building management audit?

3. 大厦管理審核規模及範圍 The size and coverage of building management audit

4. 如何進行大厦管理審核 How do we carry out building management audit?

5. 如何跟進大厦管理審核結果How do we follow up the result of building management audit?


課程時數Duration of course:(3小時 hrs.) 

 費用Fee: 需查詢 Enquiry required

報名登記電話:電話Tel:([852] 2725 4758) (部份時間需留言)


歡迎機構合作開班 Welcome to run this course jointly !



小型食肆財務及管理重點 Finance and Management for Small Food Shops 

對象Target :

適合有意選擇飲食創業者及現役經營者 Suitable for intended and present food shop operators




課程大綱Course Contents 


1.基本會計概念Basic Concepts & Conventions of Accounting

2.介紹複式會計Introduction to Double Entry System

3.計算表的認識及制定Use of Trial Balance and its preparation

4.編制年終財政報表及資產負債表 Preparation of Final Account and Balance Sheet

5.解讀會計報表Interpretation of accounting statements



1. 如何計算收支平衡 How do we calculate the break- even of sales ?

2. 如何監察貸款支出 How do we monitor the expenses of borrowing ?

3. 日常支出管理 Management of daily outgoings.

4. 現金管理 Cash Management

5. 如何節省日常支出 How do we minimize daily outgoings ?

6. 如何避免不必要損耗 How do we avoid operational losses or consumption?

7. 如何有效運用POS系統及收銀機 How do we use POS system and cashier machine effectively ?


課程時數Duration of course:(20小時)   

費用Fee: 需查詢 Enquiry required

報名登記電話:電話Tel:([852] 2725 4758) (部份時間需留言)


歡迎機構合作開班 Welcome to run this course jointly !



花店經營及管理基礎理論 (Basic Floral Operation & Management)

目的:  學員可認識基礎花店創業經營之這。 Participants can understand flower shop operation in practice


形式:講座及交流形式 seminar for sharing experience

(由「Gifts Collection Trading Company」主辦 http://gifts4hk.weebly.xn--com-oi3e502gbqdu3al59s/}‧


I. 理論 







     運用技巧, 掌握管理成功之道 





     如何選購鮮花, 鮮花之保養和處理 








     櫥窗設計, 婚禮策劃 


(每講為2小時Duration of talk is 2 hours) 講者費用另議


報名登記電話:電話:([852] 2725 4758) (需留言


歡迎機構合作開班 Welcome to run this course jointly with organizations !



課題﹕香港物業管理人基礎課程 Hong Kong Property Management Basic Course(1)

目的Objective﹕介紹以「小額錢債」方法追討拖欠之管理費Introduction of [Small Claim] legal method for claiming management fee in arrear


After the lesson, the attendees are able to 

(1) 列出通常採取追討拖欠管理費之方法﹔

List out the common methods for chasing accrued management fees



(1.5小時) Time & Place will be notified  講者費用另議

報名登記電話:電話:([852] 2725 4758) (部份時間需留言)


歡迎機構合作開班 Welcome to run this course jointly with organizations !



香港物業管理要素及財務運作Property Management Essentials and Financial Practice in Hong Kong

目的: 講座可讓會計從業員或樓宇管理有興趣人事增值、並認悉樓宇法例Building Management Ordinance (Cap 344) 管理及財務要點。

To enhance the knowledge of the accounting practitioners or those people who are interested in building affairs and also to let them understand certain skills and points in management and finance from the Ordinance

樓宇管理要素Property Management Essentials 

講座Talk (1)

1. 業主立案法團之成立  Set up of  an incorporated owners of building

2. 委任管理委員會之委員 Nomination of management committee members

3. 管理委員會之地位     Power & Authorities of the management committee

4. 管理委員會之會議 Meetings of the management committee

5. 填補管理委員職位空缺之方法 Filling vacancies in management committee 

6. 法團業主大會注意之地方 Notes on incorporated owners’ meetings

7. 法團財務如何安排(I) Financial matters of the incorporated owners(1)

8. 法團採購如何安排(1) Procurement of goods and services by incorporated owners (1)

9. 經理人的職責 Duties and responsibilities of the building manager

10. 強制性大廈管理 Compulsory management of building under special  


樓宇財務運作Property Financial Practice & Control


11. 法團財務如何安排(2) Financial matters of the incorporated owners(2)

12. 法團採購如何安排(2) Procurement of goods and services by incorporated owners (2)

13. 年度財政預算 Preparation of Annual Budget

14. 帳目及曾計記錄的處理 Treatment of accounting record & data

15. 完整的會計記錄如何協助發輝良好的樓宇管理 How the complete accounting record can help to achieve effective property management

16. 基金管埋及付款程序 Management of Funds & Procedures for payment of the funds

17. 年度財務報表的審計及其工作 Annual External Auditing & related work

(每講為3小時Duration of each talk is 3 hours) 講者費用另議

報名登記電話:電話:([852] 2725 4758) (需留言)  


歡迎機構合作開班 Welcome to run this course jointly with organizations !



會計課程(I) (物業管理專注)           36-40 小時

 Accounting I課程內容(property management focus) 

1. 基本會計概念 Basic Concepts & Conventions of Accounting 

2. 介紹複式會計 Introduction to Double Entry System 

3. ( i) 收入轉入銀行的處理 

  (ii) 商業會計文件 Commercial Documents in Accounting 

4. 認識資本性開支收入性開支 Capital Receipts & Expenses 

5. 複式會計記帳法及設置分   

  類日記帳簿    Books of Original Entries 

6. 總帳分類      Ledger 

7. 小額現金及小額現金帳簿 Petty Cash & Petty Cash Book   

8. 現金簿        Cash Book 

9. 處理收支帳項  Posting of Receipts and Payments 

10.簿記錯誤改正  Correction of Errors 

11.現金及銀行往來調節表 Bank Reconciliation Statement 

12.預繳及未付帳項    Prepayments & Accruals 

13. 壞帳和呆帳準備   Bad Debts & BD provision 

14.試算表的認識及制定 Use of Trial Balance and its preparation 


                   Preparation of Final Account and Balance Sheet 

16.調節購貨記錄與供應者的帳目表Adjustments of  Accounts  

17.折舊會計 Depreciation 

18. 不完整會計記錄 Incomplete Records  

18. 非牟利機構會計記錄 Accounting for Non-profit Organization 

19. 合伙會計(1) Accounting for partnership (1) 

     2 20. 物業管理會計Accounting for Property Management Organizations

(a) 管理費/租金報表Management Fee / Rent Collection Forms and  Statements

(b) 財政預算 及分析Budgetary Control and Interpretation of data & ratio


After the course, participants should be able to:

- have a general understanding of the basic concepts and practice of accounting

- be prepared to sit for the London Chamber of Commerce & Industry (LCC) 1st level Accounting Examination

- acquire the basic knowledge of being the accounting staff of the property organizations 

學費  Fee:港幣 $ ?  (30小時) Time & Place will be notified


報名登記電話Registration Tel:電話:Tel: 2725 4758 (部份時間需留言)


歡迎機構合作開班 Welcome to run this course jointly with organizations !



會計課程(I) (物業管理專注)           36-40 小時

 Accounting I課程內容(property management focus) 

1. 基本會計概念 Basic Concepts & Conventions of Accounting 

2. 介紹複式會計 Introduction to Double Entry System 

3. ( i) 收入轉入銀行的處理 

  (ii) 商業會計文件 Commercial Documents in Accounting 

4. 認識資本性開支收入性開支 Capital Receipts & Expenses 

5. 複式會計記帳法及設置分   

  類日記帳簿    Books of Original Entries 

6. 總帳分類      Ledger 

7. 小額現金及小額現金帳簿 Petty Cash & Petty Cash Book   

8. 現金簿        Cash Book 

9. 處理收支帳項  Posting of Receipts and Payments 

10.簿記錯誤改正  Correction of Errors 

11.現金及銀行往來調節表 Bank Reconciliation Statement 

12.預繳及未付帳項    Prepayments & Accruals 

13. 壞帳和呆帳準備   Bad Debts & BD provision 

14.試算表的認識及制定 Use of Trial Balance and its preparation 


                   Preparation of Final Account and Balance Sheet 

16.調節購貨記錄與供應者的帳目表Adjustments of  Accounts  

17.折舊會計 Depreciation 

18. 不完整會計記錄 Incomplete Records  

18. 非牟利機構會計記錄 Accounting for Non-profit Organization 

19. 合伙會計(1) Accounting for partnership (1) 

     2 20. 物業管理會計Accounting for Property Management Organizations

(a) 管理費/租金報表Management Fee / Rent Collection Forms and  Statements

(b) 財政預算 及分析Budgetary Control and Interpretation of data & ratio



After the course, participants should be able to:

- have a general understanding of the basic concepts and practice of accounting

- be prepared to sit for the London Chamber of Commerce & Industry (LCC) 1st level Accounting Examination

- acquire the basic knowledge of being the accounting staff of the property organizations 


學費  Fee:港幣 $ ?  (30小時) Time & Place will be notified


報名登記電話Registration Tel:電話:Tel: 2725 4758 (部份時間需留言)



歡迎機構合作開班 Welcome to run this course jointly with organizations !


花藝行業初級會計Accounting for Floral Industry



(1)初級會計(     2)機構在特別環境下,如何以不完整會計制度記錄帳項。




              課程大綱Course Contents 

  基本會計概念Basic Concepts & Conventions of Accounting


介紹複式會計Introduction to Double Entry System

認識資本性開支收入性開支Capital Receipts & Expenses

總帳分類Ledger小額現金及小額現金帳簿Petty Cash & Petty Cash Book

現金簿Cash Book    簿記錯誤改正Correction of Errors

現金及銀行往來調節表 Bank Reconciliation Statement

預繳及未付帳項Prepayments & Accruals

壞帳和呆帳準備Bad Debts & BD provision  計算表的認識及

制定Use of Trial Balance and its preparation

編制年終財政報表及資產負債表 Preparation of Final Account and Balance Sheet


非牟利機構會計記錄Accounting for Non-profit Organization

機構在特別環境下,如何以不完整會計制度記錄帳項How to record accounting data using the single entry under special conditions

會計資料如何協調稅務 How to record accounting data for taxation

機構如何及何時(開業及年初)準備財政預算How & When to prepare the Budget

 機構之財政預算,如何規劃或控制開支。How to use the Budget for setting up a floral business or controlling annual expenditure

  (30小時) Time & Place will be notified

報名登記電話:電話:([852] 2725 4758) (部份時間需留言)


歡迎機構合作開班 Welcome to run this course jointly with organizations !



法 團 的 成 立 和 運 作Formation of Incorporated Owners and its operation

Part One

管理費是甚麼What is the meaning of management fees

管理費的釐定Determination of the amount of management fees

制訂管理預算Preparation of budget for building management

收支不平衡的原因Reasons for negative balance in building management finance

管理費分攤和專款專用Share of total management fees and reserved funds

帳 目 管 理 Management of accounting items

保存帳目文件 Keeping of accounting records

定期公佈大廈財政狀況 Reporting financial situation in building management at intervals

成立備用基金 Setting up reserved funds

法團帳目周年核數 Annual Auditing for incorporated owners

法團會議及程序 Procedure of meeting for incorporated owners

形式 Mode:講座Talk

費用Fee:港幣 $ 150 (1.5小時) per person 

Time & Place will be notified

報名登記電話Registration Tel

電話: 2725 4758 (部份時間需留言)


歡迎機構合作開班 Welcome to run this course jointly with organizations !







- 小組形式進行,學員少於5-7人。


- 學員完成培訓後,可享12個月有關會計員工作上之諮詢。


九龍灣 /深水埗/(確實、時間及地點上課另作安排

時間 :



報名登記電話:(852)2725 4758

 by email
